dots logo Chapter 12 - Urinary System

  1. The removal of waste from body fluids is called __________, and the discharge of waste out of the body is called __________?
    1. elimination, excretion
    2. excretion, elimination
    3. filtration, excretion
    4. filtration, elimination
  2. Which of he following statements about the kidneys is false?
    1. highly vascular
    2. located between vertebrea T12 and L3
    3. right kidney is slightly superior to left kidney
    4. each kidney has an adrenal gland on top
  3. Place urine production in order of how it travels.
    1. renal pyramid → minor calyx → major calyx → renal pelvis → ureter
    2. renal pyramid → major calyx → minor calyx → renal pelvis → ureter
    3. renal pelvis → minor calyx → major calyx → renal pyramid → ureter
    4. renal pelvis → major calyx → minor calyx → renal pyramid → ureter
  4. Which regions are parts of the retroperitoneal kidneys not located in?
    1. hypochondriac
    2. lumbar
    3. epigastric
  5. Which region are the retroperitoneal adrenal glands located in?
    1. hypochondriac
    2. lumbar
    3. epigastric
  6. Order the arteries to a nephron.
    1. renal → segmental → interlobar → arcuate → cortical radiate → afferent
    2. renal → segmental → arcuate → interlobar → cortical radiate → afferent
    3. venule → cortical radiate → arcuate → interlobar → renal
    4. venule → cortical radiate → interlobar → arcuate → renal
  7. Order the veins from a nephron.
    1. renal → segmental → interlobar → arcuate → cortical radiate → afferent
    2. renal → segmental → arcuate → interlobar → cortical radiate → afferent
    3. venule → cortical radiate → arcuate → interlobar → renal
    4. venule → cortical radiate → interlobar → arcuate → renal
  8. Fill in the responsibility for: filtration __________, reabsorption __________, secretion __________.
    1. renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, distal tubule
    2. proximal tubule, distal tubule, renal corpuscle
    3. distal tubule, proximal tubule, renal corpuscle
    4. proximal tubule, renal corpuscle, distal tubule
  9. Which statement about the juxtaglomerular complex is false?
    1. not involved in the hormonal regulation of blood pressure
    2. macula densa cells, in the distal tubule, function as chemoreceptors and baroreceptors
    3. juxtaglomerular cells, in the afferent arteries, secrete renin
    4. mesangial cells provide feedback control between macula densa and juxtaglomerular cells
  10. Under normal circumstances, metabolic waste eliminated by the urinary system include all but:
    1. urea, from the breakdown of amino acids
    2. creatinine, from the breakdown of creatine phosphate from muscle contractions
    3. uric acid, formed during recycling of nitrogenous bases from RNA molecules
    4. glucose, proteins, and amino acids
  11. Which layer of the filtration membrane prevents the passage of blood cells?
    1. fenestrated endothelium
    2. basement membrane
    3. foot processes of podocyes
  12. Which layer of the filtration membrane does not prevent the passage of plasma proteins?
    1. fenestrated endothelium
    2. basement membrane
    3. foot processes of podocyes
  13. Which of the following is false?
    1. glomerular hydrostatic pressure (GHP) tends to draw material out of the plasma
    2. capsular hydrostatic pressure (CsHP) tends to push material into the plasma
    3. blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP) tends to push material into the plasma
    4. NHP = (GHP - CsHP)
    5. NFP = (NHP - BCOP)
    6. GFR = (NHP - BCOP)
  14. Which pathway involving angiotensin II and GFR homeostasis isn't accurate?
    1. juxtaglomerular → renin → angiotensin I → lungs → angiotensin II → adrenal glands → aldosterone
    2. angiotensin II → aldosterone → increased sodium retention → increased blood volume
    3. angiotensin II → nervous system → increased thirst/ADH production → increased blood volume
    4. angiotensin II → nervous system → parasympathetic activation → increased cardiac output
  15. In which part of the nephron and collection system does most water reabsorption take place?
    1. proximal convoluted tubule
    2. distal convoluted tubule
    3. renal cropuscle
    4. nephron loop
    5. collecting duct
    6. papillary duct
  16. The thin descending limb of the nephron loop reabsorbs water, and the thick ascending loop reabsorbs sodium and chloride ions.
    1. true
    2. false
  17. Which are not hormone regulated (aldosterone and ADH)?
    1. proximal convoluted tubule
    2. distal convoluted tubule
    3. collecting system
  18. Which part of the nephron and collection system employs active transport?
    1. proximal convoluted tubule
    2. distal convoluted tubule
    3. renal cropuscle
    4. nephron loop
    5. collecting duct
    6. papillary duct
  19. Which statements is false? Remember pH less than 7 is acidic, pH greater than 7 is alkaline (basic).
    1. prolonged aldosterone stimulation can cause alkalosis (high blood pH)
    2. exhaustive muscle activity can cause lactic acidosis (low blood pH)
    3. starvation and diabetes mellitus can cause ketoacidosis (low blood pH)
    4. normal average blood pH is 2
  20. The region where the two ureters and the urethra meet is called the __________.
    1. trigone
    2. detrusor
    3. rugae