dots logo Chapter 8 - Cardiovascular System

  1. There is one pulmonary vein and one pulmonary artery?
    1. true
    2. false
  2. Excess fluid in pericardial cavity is called __________ and can lead to cardiac tamponade (restricted movement of the heart).
    1. pericarditis
    2. coronary artery disease
    3. angina pectoris
    4. myocardial infarction
  3. The right coronary artery supplies blood to all but?
    1. left atrium
    2. conducting system
    3. right atrium
    4. left ventricle
    5. right ventricle
  4. Semilunar valves include the following which prevent backflow into the ventricles.
    1. pulmonary and aortic valves
    2. tricuspid and mitral valves
  5. Atrioventricular (AV) valves prevent backflow into the atria, and semilunar valves prevent backflow into the ventricles?
    1. true
    2. false
  6. Which statement is incorrect?
    1. blood flows from right atrium to right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
    2. right atrium receives blood from the inferior and superior vena cava
    3. blood flows from left atrium to left ventricle via the bicuspid valve
    4. right atrium receives blood from left and right pulmonary veins
  7. During one heartbeat, the contraction phase is __________, and the relaxation phase is __________ ?
    1. systole, diastole
    2. diastole, systole
  8. The base of the heart is inferior and the apex of the heart is superior?
    1. true
    2. false
  9. Which statement about an ECG is incorrect?
    1. T wave: ventricles repolarize
    2. QRS complex: atria depolarize
    3. QRS complex: ventricles depolarize
    4. P wave: atria depolarize
  10. In a myocardial infarction, circulation becomes blocked in which of the following?
    1. systemic circuit
    2. pulmonary circuit
    3. coronary circulation
  11. Blood enters the right atrium though the __________, and blood enters the left atrium though the __________?
    1. pulmonary veins, vena cava
    2. mitral value, tricuspid value
    3. vena cava, pulmonary veins
    4. tricuspid value, mitral value
  12. Which pathway represents the pulmonary circuit?
    1. left ventricle → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → right atrium
    2. left ventricle → pulmonary veins → lungs → pulmonary arteries → right atrium
    3. right ventricle → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → left atrium
    4. right ventricle → pulmonary veins → lungs → pulmonary arteries → left atrium
  13. Order the layers of the heart from deep to superficial.
    1. endocardium → myocardium → pericardium (epicardium)
    2. pericardium (epicardium) → myocardium → endocardium
    3. myocardium → endocardium → pericardium (epicardium)
    4. pericardium (epicardium) → endocardium → myocardium
  14. Which pathway represents the systemic circuit?
    1. right ventricle → systemic arteries → body → systemic veins → left atrium
    2. right ventricle → systemic veins → body → systemic arteries → left atrium
    3. left ventricle → systemic veins → body → systemic arteries → right atrium
    4. left ventricle → systemic arteries → body → systemic veins → right atrium
  15. These terms all refer to the same value that permits blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventrical, except?
    1. tricuspid valve
    2. mitral valve
    3. left atrioventricular valve (AV)
    4. bicuspid valve