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  1. Grey matter is greatest in areas dedicated to sensory and motor control. Sensory information arrives through the __________ root of the spinal chord, leaves through the __________ root of the spinal chord.
    1. posterior, anterior
    2. anterior, posterior
  2. The efferent division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes all but?
    1. autonomic nervous system (ANS)
    2. somatic sensory receptors
    3. somatic nerous system (SNS)
    4. parasympathetc division
    5. sympathetc division
  3. Which of the following is incorrect?
    1. spinal nerve T1 is below vertebra T1
    2. spinal nerve C8 is below vertebra C7
    3. spinal nerve C1 is above vertebra C1
    4. spinal nerve T3 is below vertebra T2
    5. spinal nerve C7 is below vertebra C6
    6. spinal nerve C2 is below vertebra C1
  4. In general, repair is more possible in the CSN (astrocytes) than the PNS (schwann cells)?
    1. true
    2. false
  5. Epidurals during labor are administered:
    1. between the pia and arachnoid meninges
    2. between the arachnoid and dura meninges
    3. superficial to the dura meninges
    4. deep to the pia meninges
  6. Motor neurons are typically __________, and sensory neurons are typically __________.
    1. bipolar neurons, anaxonic neurons
    2. multipolar neurons, unipolar neurons
    3. unipolar neurons, multipolar neurons
    4. anaxonic neurons, bipolar neurons
  7. Which root has the spinal ganglion in the middle of it?
    1. posterior root
    2. anterior root
  8. Interneurons are located between sensory and motor neurons, are found mostly in brain and spinal cord, and are involved in memory, planning, and learning.
    1. true
    2. false
  9. When you have shingles, what determines where on the body the outbreak will be?
    1. shingles outbreaks always appear on the upper body
    2. shingles outbreaks nondeterministic and appear in random locations
    3. shingles outbreaks always appear on the lower body
    4. shingles outbreaks follow the sensory nerve's dermatome
  10. Which of the following common injection sites is no longer used because of its proximity to the sciatic nerve?
    1. ventrogluteal site
    2. deltoid site
    3. dorsogluteal site
    4. vastus lateralis site
  11. Neuromuscular junctions and neuroglandular junctions are:
    1. electrical synapses
    2. chemical synapses
  12. Which of the following is false?
    1. nodes are myelinated
    2. white matter is myelinated
    3. internodes are myelinated
    4. grey matter is unmyelinated
  13. Which of the following statements about the spinal cord is incorrect.
    1. divided into 4 regions (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral)
    2. spinal reflexes require input from the brain
    3. 31 spinal nerves (C1-C8, T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, 1 coccygeal)
    4. extends from brain to L1 and L2
  14. In the CSN the neurogila resposible for myelination are __________, and in the PNS the neurogila responsible for myelination are __________.
    1. ependymal cells, satallite cells
    2. satallite cells, ependymal cells
    3. schwann cells, oligodendrocytes
    4. oligodendrocytes, schwann cells
  15. There are __________ cranial nerves and __________ spinal nerves.
    1. 12, 31
    2. 31, 31
    3. 12, 12
    4. 31, 12
  16. Identity the mismatched nerve plexues:
    1. brachial plexus (diaphram)
    2. cervical plexus (diaphram)
    3. sacral plexus (sciatic nerve)
    4. sacral plexus (pudendal nerve)
  17. List the spinal cord meninges from most superficial to least.
    1. dura → arachnoid → pia
    2. pia → arachnoid → dura
    3. arachnoid → pia → dura
    4. arachnoid → dura → pia
  18. The 4 major nerve plexues include all but:
    1. lumbar plexus
    2. cervical plexus
    3. thoracic plexus
    4. brachial plexus
    5. sacral plexus
  19. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes all but?
    1. somatic nerous system (SNS)
    2. parasympathetc division
    3. sympathetc division
    4. central nervous system (CNS)
    5. autonomic nervous system (ANS)
  20. Cerebrospinal fluid is located in the subarachnoid space which is:
    1. between the arachnoid and dura meninges
    2. between the pia and arachnoid meninges
    3. superficial to the dura meninges
    4. deep to the pia meninges