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  1. Men and women have the same number of ribs?
    1. true
    2. false
  2. What type of bones are your pelvis and vertebrea?
    1. long
    2. irregular
    3. short
    4. flat
  3. Which bone type and examples is incorrect?
    1. short (carpal, tarsal)
    2. long (arm, leg, plam, sole, finger, toe)
    3. sesamoid (knee)
    4. flat (skull sutures)
  4. Long bone: shaft, ends, and connecting sections (in that order):
    1. epiphysis, diaphysis, metaphysis
    2. metaphysis, epiphysis, diaphysis
    3. epiphysis, metaphysis, diaphysis
    4. diaphysis, epiphysis, metaphysis
  5. Which of these are incorrect?
    1. osteoblastic cells become osteocytes
    2. osteogenic cells produce osteoblastic cells
    3. osteogenic cells produce osteoclastic cells
    4. stem cells produce osteoclastic cells
  6. In order: thickest/thinnest lower leg bones, thumb/pinky side arm bones:
    1. tibula/fibula, radius/ulna
    2. fibula/tibula, ulna/radius
    3. tibula/fibula, radius/ulna
    4. fibula/tibula, ulna/radius
  7. Which of the following bones are not shared by the orbital and nasal complexes?
    1. frontal
    2. maximilla
    3. ethmoid
    4. sphenoid
    5. palentine
    6. zygomatic
  8. An exaggerated, forward rounding of the upper back is called?
    1. osteoporosis
    2. kyphosis
    3. lordosis
    4. scoliosis
  9. Which part of the sternum do false bones 8, 9, 10 attach via cartilage?
    1. manubrium
    2. body
    3. xiphoid process
    4. they do not attach to the sternum
  10. How many vertebrosternal, vertebralchondral, and vertebral ribs are there (in order)?
    1. 7, 3, 12
    2. 14, 6, 24
    3. 14, 6, 4
    4. 7, 3, 2
  11. The circular body part of vertebrae is anterior, and the pointy spinous processes posterior.
    1. true
    2. false
  12. A Pott's fracture is an ankle fracture, and a Colles fracture is a radius fracture,
    1. true
    2. false
  13. What type of bones are your sternum, scapula, and skull case bones?
    1. long
    2. irregular
    3. short
    4. flat
  14. The special name for vertebra C1 is __________, and the special name for C2 is __________.
    1. atlas, axis
    2. axis, atlas
  15. How many bones are in the human body?
    1. 286
    2. 206
    3. 156
    4. 106
  16. There are __________ cranial bones, __________ facial bones.
    1. 8, 14
    2. 14, 8
    3. 8, 12
    4. 12, 12
  17. There are __________ axial bones, __________ appendicular bones.
    1. 80, 126
    2. 126, 80
    3. 80, 206
    4. 206, 80
  18. Which of the following bones do not have a sinus?
    1. frontal
    2. maximilla
    3. ethmoid
    4. sphenoid
    5. palentine
  19. Primary curves develop to protect organs, and secondary curves to balance the weight of the head and trunk.
    1. true
    2. false
  20. Which of the following statements is false?
    1. scapula articulates with the clavicle at the acromion (acromioclavicular join)
    2. scapula articulates with the humerous at the glenoid cavity (gelnohumeral joint)
    3. pectoral girdle connects to the axial skeleton only at the manubrium
    4. pectoral girdle inlcudes the clavicle + scapula + sternum
  21. The presence of on epiphyseal line indicates that bone growth has ended.
    1. true
    2. false
  22. Which of the following statement is true?
    1. pelvic girdle articulates with the femur at the acetabulum
    2. pelvic inlet is shaped like a heart in women, a circle in men
    3. public angle is less than 90° in women, more than 100° in men
    4. the coccyx is curved in women
  23. Which are common fractures of the appendicular skeleton?
    1. fractured clavicle
    2. paediatric, supracondylar, elbow fracture
    3. scaphoid, carpal fracture
    4. elderly, femoral neck, "hip" fracture
    5. all of the above
  24. What is the functional classification of an immovable joint?
    1. amphiarthrosis
    2. diarthrosis
    3. synarthrosis
    4. synovial
  25. Which pair is mismatched?
    1. amphiarthrosis (knee joint)
    2. amphiarthrosis (pubic symphysis)
    3. synarthrosis (sutures)
    4. synarthrosis (keeps teeth in place)
  26. Which axes of motion can a shoulder moves on?
    1. anterior-posterior
    2. lateral-medial
    3. superior-inferior
    4. all of the above
  27. You thumbs are biaxial __________, while your other fingers are biaxial __________?
    1. saddle joints, condylar joints
    2. condylar joints, saddle joints
  28. You turn your head with a monaxial __________, and flex your elbow with a monaxial __________?
    1. pivot joint, hinge joint
    2. hinge joint, pivot joint
  29. When you twist the sole of your foot inward, this is called?
    1. inversion
    2. eversion
  30. Flexing your ankle is called __________, and pointing your toes is called __________.
    1. dorsification, plantar flexion
    2. plantar flexion, dorsification