dots logo Chapter 3 - Integumentary System

  1. Only the integumentary system contains epithelial tissue?
    1. true
    2. false
  2. Order the layers of the epidermis from least superficial to most superficial.
    1. basale → spinosum → grandulosum → lucidum → corneum
    2. basale → lucidum → grandulosum → spinosum → corneum
    3. corneum → grandulosum → spinosum → lucidum → basale
    4. corneum → lucidum → spinosum → grandulosum → basale
  3. Where do you give hypodermic injections?
    1. epidermal layer
    2. dermal layer
    3. subcutaneous layer
    4. reticular layer
  4. The reticular layer of the dermis is superficial to the papillary layer?
    1. true
    2. false
  5. Exocrine glands are part of the __________ and endocrine glands are part of the __________?
    1. integumentary system, endocrine system
    2. integumentary system, lymphatic system
    3. lymphatic system, integumentary system
    4. integumentary system, integumentary system
    5. endocrine system, endocrine system
  6. Which of the following about the epidermal layers is false?
    1. basale (melanocytes, sensory tactile disks/Merkel cells)
    2. spinosum (immune response dendritic Langerhans cells)
    3. grandulosum (produces keratin)
    4. lucidum (only found in thin skin)
    5. corneum (water resistant)
  7. The epidermis is made up of epithelial tissue and the dermis is made up of connective tissue?
    1. true
    2. false
    3. TODO: double check
  8. Which of the 5 epidermal layers of skin does only thick skin have (plams & soles)?
    1. corneum
    2. lucidum
    3. spinosum
    4. grandulosum
    5. basale
  9. Which statement about exocrine glands is false?
    1. holocrine glands are sebaceous glands
    2. apocrine glads are sweat glands
    3. merocrine glands are sweat glands
    4. ecrine glands are are sebaceous glands
  10. The integumentary system includes skin, nails, and hair, but not glands?
    1. true
    2. false
  11. Which statement about burns glands is false?
    1. first degree burn damages part of the epidermis
    2. second degree burn damages all of the epidermis
    3. third degree burn damages all of the epidermis and dermis
    4. third degree burns are more painful than second degree burns
  12. Finger prints are comprised of?
    1. epidermis only
    2. dermis only
    3. epidermal ridges and dermal papillae
    4. epidermal papillae and dermal ridges
  13. Order from least superficial to most superficial.
    1. muscle → subcutaneous → dermis → epidermis
    2. muscle → dermis → subcutaneous → epidermis
    3. epidermis → subcutaneous → dermis → muscle
    4. epidermis → dermis → subcutaneous → muscle
  14. Which statement about administration of medication is incorrect?
    1. intramuscular injection, 90° angle, into muscle
    2. subcutaneous injection, 45° angle, into fat
    3. subcutaneous injection, 45° angle, into dermis
    4. intradermal injection, 10° angle, into epidermis
  15. Sweat gland, secreted into hair follicles (groin, armpit, nipples), responsible for odor (feeds bacteria)?
    1. holocrine
    2. apocrine
    3. ecrine
    4. merocrine