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Know examples & functions of the following epithelia classifications.
Classification Example Function
simple squamous lining cavities reduce friction, absorption, secretion
stratified squamous surface of skin, lining of mouth/vagina/anus protection
simple cubiodal glands, ducts, kidney tubules protection, absorption, secretion
stratified cubiodal ducts of sweat/mammary glands protection, absorption, secretion
simple columnar lining of stomach/intestines protection, absorption, secretion
stratified columnar lining of nasal/trachea/bronchi, male reproductive tract move mucus, protection, absorption, secretion
Know examples of the following gland classifications.
Classification Example
simple tubular intestinal
simple coiled tubular merocrine sweat
simple branched tubular gastric, esophagus mucus
simple alveolar not in adults
simple branched alveolar sebaceous (oil)
compound tubular testes, mouth mucus
compound alveolar (achinar) mammary
compound tubulao-alveolar salivary, respiratory, pancreas